Cash for Keys: Rental Properties

As the owner of a rental property, eviction is never a fun prospect to have to consider. Maybe it’s anthe issue with a tenant adhering to their lease conditions or having numerous missed rent payments.Regardless, evicting problematic tenants is a natural part of ensuring landlords and rental propertyowners profit from their real estate investments. For […]

Understanding Real Estate Market Trends

The real estate market has a habit of being a reflection of its era, a timeless indicator of economic andsocial prosperity. For first-time homebuyers or real estate investors looking to make educated businessdecisions, understanding the ebbs and flows of the real estate market can be resourceful when choosingto move forward with a real estate investment […]

Selling a House without a Realtor

Can Florida homeowners and investors sell their homes without using a real estate agent? Moreimportantly, if they can, should they? Property owners and investors make these decisions every day.While there are certainly advantages to neglecting the assistance of a real estate agent, those trying tosave money will find that it could end up costing them […]