Inheriting A House: The Challenges of Selling

Inheriting A House: The Challenges of Selling POSTED BY Highlands Investment Group, LLC  // June 1st, 2021 Inherited In the world of real estate, you never know what is on the horizon. There are plenty of times when a situation is thrown on your lap completely out of the blue with unfamiliar circumstances. Such can […]

What To Do If You Can’t Make Your Next Mortgage Payment

As financially damaging as the mortgage collapse of 2009 was, it wasn’t nearly as widespread as what we are currently facing. There are many people in various sectors who are currently not earning a paycheck or generating income. Savings have been exhausted and paying everyday bills has become more difficult. Fortunately, the government has thrown […]

Technology vs. People Skills: Which Real Estate Strategies Will Win?

The real estate industry caters to independent strategies. For every investor, there is another way to go about conducting business. Some may prefer to utilize the convenience of technology while others want to maintain personal relationships. However, for one reason or another, there remains a void between these two independent strategies. Smart investors will figure […]

Housing Still The Best Investment Tool Of A Lifetime

Many people are still wondering whether or not real estate is one of the best investmentstrategies for long-term wealth building. Is investing in homes still a smart investment for the average individual? Is a home still the best investment of a lifetime for most Americans? If so, why are some pessimists still questioning the rebound in […]